allpay cards has signed up to become one of 30 businesses and organisations in Herefordshire leading the way towards zero carbon by the end of the decade.

The '30 for 2030' initiative is part of the county’s Greener Footprints Campaign which was launched by the Herefordshire Climate and Nature Action Partnership in January 2022. Its aim is to create a movement of positive action amongst individuals, communities, and organisations across Herefordshire to counter climate change and ensure a future for the county that we all want.

As part of the business initiative, allpay cards will be showcasing the work we are doing as an organisation to reduce our carbon footprint. It’s hoped that by sharing good practice we can inspire many other businesses and organisations to take positive action.

If you’re a Herefordshire business, resident or community group, why not join us by making your own Greener Footprints pledge? Visit to find out how to get involved.